Ad Customizers pumping out into Adwords blood : What and How?

It seems Google AdWords is defying itself against those who are recently saying that many helpful tools have been removed or retired from the advertising platform, for example the killing of Exact and Phrase Match Keywords.

In a continuous commitment of sharing Adwords innovations, Google Adwords announced recently the coming launch of so-called  ”Tools for the Power User”: a number of so useful new brand tools to be rolled out over the next months. Ad Customizers are included in the list and will be pumped out into AdWords blood globally in the following few weeks. So, What are Ad Customizers? What are their benefits?  Designed for whom? and How to set them up?

Let’s open up the discussion of this post by displaying some images of how Ad customizers look like over Google networks (Search and Display):

Ad customizers feature

ad customizers in adwords


 What are Ad Customizers?

Ad customizers have come to existence to serve and help those advertisers who are managing a very large scale of accounts. Ad customers will play a major role to reach customers at scale and minimize the complexities involved in showcasing great number of products. It is a way to inform AdWords algorithm to exhibit your ads with real time updates.

More, Ad customizers can be explained as a feed-based service in order to input dynamically data into ads. The feed can be set up for campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. With setting up reference information and values, you can create ads to show highly relevant ads to your clients when they are actively looking for information about your products, offerings or promotions.

Note Ad customizers feature were in beta and were allowed only through Adwords APIs. Also they were limited to whitelisted accounts only. This is the first step of how Ad Customizers looks like in Adwords API.

customizer_feed = {
  :name => 'AdCustomizerFeed',
  :attributes => [
    {:type => 'STRING', :name => 'Name'},
    {:type => 'STRING', :name => 'Price'},
    {:type => 'DATE_TIME', :name => 'Date'}

Don’t worry,  the way to create Ad customizers in Adwords APIs (shown above) is so different from setting up on Adwords interface. To add Ad customizers in Adwords interface is much easier. Keep in mind, the method of setting Ad customizers for the thousands of your products resemble to a big extent the way dynamic keyword insertion works.


How do Ad Customizers work?

To get started using Ad customizers, you need to organize your business information or details that may include for example — products, prices, discounts, products availability and countdowns into spreadsheet. Then you should save it to be ready for injecting it into Adwords. When uploaded, your business products details transfer to so-called Business data in the Shared library of Adwords. This is the place where the uploaded file is kept to be accessed via AdWords system for dynamic insertion. This will lead to generate replacements or feeds to meet a searcher queries in real time.

Customizers ads

Ad customizers use code language like parameters, attributes and functions. Parameters lives within braces , i.e {= Discount. PercentOff}. Attributes are Ad customizers data that have been uploaded to Adwords using Excel sheet. To explain, Discount in the previous example links back to a reference set in the uploaded document. In addition, Ad customizers employ functions to set up arguments for the function that are enclosed within parentheses (). Example: {= COUNTDOWN (Discount. CountdownDate, ‘fr’}. Here we have got one function (Countdown all in capitals) and two arguments that are 1. (Discount. CountdownDate) = shows the running discount downtime and 2. (‘fr’) = refers to target language – French.

Tip : Note that replacements of prices, strings, numbers and countdowns occur on Ad titles and Description lines Only. Ad Display and Destination URLs are excluded when Ad customizers are implemented.

If you want to have a look on examples of how to use Ad customizers across your campaigns, ad groups and more, please visit this link.


Ad Cutomizers Benefits:

It is reported a huge success using the Ad Customizers feature. The following is a quote from Extra Space Storage who used this feature: ” we saw 113% increase in CTR over our control”. Google is saying that this feature will drive more success as it helps in customizing creatives at scale, in setting time-sensitive CTAs, and in boosting ads performance through automatic updates.


What’s your say regarding Ad customizers in particular and about “Tools for the Power User” in general? Ad Customizers are seen more useful for retailers? Do you think this feature can be used for lead generation? Please share your feeds in the below comments.

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About Omar Belkadi

Omar Belkadi is a Search Engine Marketing Expert who specializes in Analytics, SEO and PPC advertisement. Omar has been experiencing for long in the field of digital marketing which backed up with related experience and certifications.